Monday, January 3, 2011

Author's note: All of this week's "What I Learned Today" posts will involve my recent trip to Texas for Christmas.  I do this because I know you care...and because I can deduct the cost of my new camera for tax purposes if I do.  (And the delusional optimist in me hopes I can deduct the trip too!)


Mom, on the way to Texas, I learned that Snuggies with Superman logos are slightly more cool than regular Snuggies.  However, they are still Snuggies.

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I learned that if I can't find this in Utah, I'm perfectly willing to drive back to New Mexico for a few.


I learned that without this, Roswell would look like pretty much any other town.


I learned that in a fight between minivan and deer, no one wins.


Fights between small birds and minivans, however, are a little more one sided. (Look closely.)

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I learned that the best indicator that you've reached Texas is a waffle iron like this at your hotel breakfast.

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And an attendant like this guarding the breakfast area.


beanditch said...

Your sister totally needed a Snazzy! ;)